This is Mandy - An OCD Awareness book for children
This is Mandy
A children's book about OCD
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder that affects millions of people of all ages. Unfortunately, it is often kept a secret - and that's true in the case of young Mandy, too.
Mandy's OCD affects her life at home and school, as she spends so much time on her compulsions and obsessions: washing her hands, brushing her hair, checking locks, re-writing her classwork - over and over and over. But Mandy comes to realize that OCD isn't shameful, and it doesn't have to be hidden. Instead, speaking up helps her to feel like herself again.
Profits from the sale of my book are spilt between the My Happy Art Box campaign and Shawmind which is a charity on a mission to improve mental health awareness and are committed to educating individuals and organisations so they understand mental health & emotional wellbeing, and how to manage them effectively to lead successful, fulfilled lives